Jumat, 22 November 2013

Bencong Exchange

ada pertukaran mahasiswa ke thailand. gue excited banget. sampai gue tau kalau thailand punya spesies bencong unggul dengan kualitas terbaik se dunia. jiwa laki gue merasa terancam. is this 'student exchane' or 'bencong exchange'?

jadi sekitar 2 hari yang lalu secara ajaib seorang nindya muncul dan membaca surat edaran dari bapak rekor, eh, bapak rektor, yang ngumumin bahwa bakal ada semacam 'student exchane' antara paja IPDN dengan mahasiswa sekolah kedinasan di Thailand. praja terpilih bakalan dikirim ke thailand selama 2 minggu.

Thai adalah Tai, dan Land adalah Pulau. jadi kira-kira rektor sedang mencari seorang tukang kakus. nyedot tinja luar negeri. dua minggu.

syaratnya simple. yang paling gue inget (1) IPK 3,5 (2) Fluenced english.

Fluenced English, masih bisa dikejar. IPK 3.5, fak!. IPK semster 2 gue ga nyampe. -_- tapi gue ga patah hati, gue adalah orang yang rajin gosok gigi, gue pasti masih bisa. akhirnya gue mendafarkan diri (bukan, bukan sebagai bencong) dan disuruh bikin essay, temanya nasionalisme, dan gue bikin.

gue bikin esai mulai pagi jam 5.an, isinya nyeritain bahwa masyarakat mulai lupa memaknai nasionalisme. ngetik esai ini menurut gue ga gampang banget. gue musti browse di internet buat nambah2 wawasan gue, gue cari artikel, gambar-gambar, dan biskuit roma. tapi ni esai ngajak ribut banget, sampe jam 11 siang belom selesai. gue pun merenung, mungkin karena gue dari pagi belum pipis, maka gue pergi pipis dulu. balik dari pipis gue balik ke laptop, gue cium-cium sapa tau dia bisa jadi baik trus bisa bantuin nyelesaiin esai lebih cepet. dan bener! pas balik ke monitor gue buka blank page baru dan ngetik esai dengan konsep yang bener-bener baru. yang tadinya berjudul anu (gue lupa judulnya, pokoknya isinya gitu deh) sekarang pake judul "NATIONAL.IS.Me : EQUALIZING RIGHT AND OBLIGATION". keren.

esai yang baru tadi gue selesaiin cuma dalam 40 menit. tuh kan, gue memang hebat, bagaimana otak gue bisa berpikir secara tidak sistematis gue sendiri sulit buat ngertiinnya. lalu apa arti dari semua 6 jam ini? yah inilah gue. keseringan botak bikin otak rada berkarat juga.

berhubung tulisan ini ga cukup panjang untuk di publish ke koran-koran (juga karena ga tau gimana cara ngirimnya) makanya gue publish aja disini. cek.ki.dot.com


Indonesia is having a nationalism crisis. So much smart people, but only a few who cares for the fate of  the nation. Indonesia has so many great leaders, but why the rise seems so difficult. it is because those great leaders are not provided with nationalism spirit. The spirit that guides every act and any thought dedicated for the rise of the nation. This lack brings indonesia to get trapped in a poor condition.
In the age of 1945-1959, the nationalism of the people brings indonesia to the independence. Our military force was also feared in the era of 1970. Indonesia was also called as “asian tiger” when its growth was higly rising at 1980. But, here right now indonesia seems as if its dropped. Poor people, unemployed people, traffic jam, environmental waste and flood become such as unstoppable problems. And it is said if that is all because of the nationalism crisis. Many people using position not as function but only as status. This mental lack causes position abuse, brings corruption, collution and nepotism.
So, What does nationalism mean for nowaday, how is it?
I’d like to say that nationalism spirit is by equalizing between right and obligation. Like Kennedy had said, do not ask for what the country gives to us but what we have given for the country. Realizing that we also have the responsibilty on developing this nation, keeping peace, prosperity of its people, and to educate the society. That is what the national goal and it becomes our aim to make it realized. Because yes, we are the citizens of this country, and no one can built the country better than us.
Every people in every position or profession must have contribution on developing the nation. The realization is unlimited. Economist, university, engineer and programmer, security and deffence, can be good nationalists. Doing what the best  that can do, full of responsibility and devotion to the country. Because the main purpose is to rise the nation. Develop it, protect it.
Here we are nowaday generation, successor of the leadership of this nation, we are the future stakeholders for anyhow. And as a nowaday generation, our obligation is to prepare the future. The future of ourselves and the future of the nation will be led by ourselves. Study hard, obey the rule, built the Leader’s characters. Thus, Indonesia will not be lacking its leaders ,with all the characters of nationalism and patriotism indeed.
so, its time to realize what is this nation need exactly. We have alot money, so much resources, but less nationalist-minded leaders. They whom are anti-corruption leaders, honest, and provide high integrity.

tuh kan, gue emang pinter, bisa bikin tulisan dalam bahasa inggris (benerin jambul).

abis bikin gue siap-siap untuk sorenya interview. interviewnya sama 3 orang, dan karena gue orang pertama, gue tampak semacam makanan pembuka buat mereka. menarik, lezat, diacak-acak, gue nerveous setengah mampus.
sekarang gue tinggal nungguin hasil dari semuanya. i have no optimism with that. sekarang di otak gue cuma ada 'apapun hasilnya, gue ga akan pernah nyesel'. sekalipun gue ga lolos seenggaknya gue memang gagal, bukan menyerah. and it means a lot.

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